The thing I would like to discuss is sports bras…
When I was running shorter and flatter this wasn’t an issue but now that I’ve started to run in the mountains, on trails and for many hours I get wounds because of the friction of the bra. The locations of the wounds are just underneath the breasts, just over the diaphragm and then on top of the two breasts, because of the bra’s lining. I’ve tried all kinds of different sports bras but it seems impossible. Does anyone have the same issue? Which bra could you recommend?


2 thoughts on “BRAS!?!

  1. Hi Martha. I had the same issue and have found that the best thing to do is use an anti-chafe product on those specific areas. I now never go for a run without first applying this product and have not had chaffing in the bra area in years. I use “Bodyglide” which works like a bomb. Good luck. Robin

  2. Hi Martha

    I also used to get friction wounds from my bra whilst trail running, usually on the sides of by breasts where they meet the ribs. In the last couple of years I have found two sports bras that have not caused any issues. They are the Ice breaker Sprite bra and one from the brand Triaction. Neither of these have under wire so I am not sure how well they would work for the more well endowed ladies but I started in them as a C cup (now a B) and have never had an issue since. I think the Triaction bra would be better for larger breasts as it is a bit firmer but both have been excellent! I now own three Sprites 🙂

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